Congratulations to our March 31st "Recreation" Photo Contest winner!
Congratulations Steve Bangsund! Your Norgeboard recreation photo is the winner! What a great shot!
Thank you to all that entered. There were some great photos to choose from. Stay tuned for future contests!
Central Oregon Photo Contest - $50 Gift Certificate to the Winner!
Good Day Central Oregon! Wwe are holding another photo contest for the best "Central Oregon Recreation" photo. The photos must be of Recreation. Some examples would be the following: Archery, bowling, snowboarding, skiing, mountain biking, paragliding, boating, jet skiing, quading, snowmobiling, bicycling, running, rafting, rock climbing, skateboarding, etc... The list is endless. As long as is in Central Oregon and it is action recreation, you have a shot at the $50 gift certificate. Show us your best as we will feature your photo in one of our "Recreation" pages. Your name will be recognized on the photo submitted. The winner will also receive a $50 gift certificate to any Central Oregon business of your choice. Contest will end March 31st, 2012. Contest winner will be announced on April 2nd. "Like us" and submit your photo below.
Rules and Regulations - Photos must be your own work and not copyrighted material. PerkStop Media will assume copyright of the photo submitted and stamp your name on the photo displayed. You may submit more than one photo if you have more to share. Photos submitted must be within Central Oregon and be an action shot to qualify. The contest winner will be decided March 31st, 2012 on Facebook and on our contest page with a direct link to your photo. The winner will need to decide on their $50 certificate location within 48 hours for delivery.